Mother’s Day Omnichannel Marketing Made Easy

Mothers… the unsung heroes. The ones who teach us about relationships. We love Mother’s Day, it’s a great opportunity to celebrate our favourite people and also a good opportunity to engage across various social, relationship-based channels. Tap into the emotional importance of the day, and use this to shape your outreach efforts.

When designing a Mother’s Day campaign, consider how your products make people feel, and be careful to avoid too much sales-type language. Beware of the cynical approach (“It’s just a greeting card holiday for making money on gifts.”) actually a day of appreciation goes a long way when you’re a mother! It’s easy to strike an emotional chord and foster a connection with your customers at times like this—check out our favorite Mother’s Day omnichannel marketing tips to find out how.


Start Your Mother’s Day Campaign Early

This one tends to sneak up on people (despite the early availability of greeting cards – seemingly just after Valentine’s!), so it’s never too early to remind your customers that it’s coming. You might begin with an “early bird” reminder email a few weeks beforehand. You can later follow-up with weekly emails featuring various relevant and appropriate wares in stock. Note the word RELEVANT.

…And Remember the Procrastinators

Don’t forget to offer last-minute gift cards and options for those who have left it to the last minute! When there’s just 48 hours left, it’s a good idea to make a final appeal to last-minute shoppers – this is prime-time for people to purchase. It’s a very good opportunity to activate your subscribers who are at the beginning of their customer lifecycle by creating a personalized “free express shipping” offer valid on their first order.

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Pick a Mother’s Day Multichannel Marketing Hashtag

The key to leveraging social media for Mother’s Day leads is to mix between call-to-actions and shareable, heartwarming tributes and wishes. You’ve probably seen how so many people post public tributes to their mothers on social channels. Taking their cue, introduce a unique hashtag and invite your fans to reflect on their mothers. An engaging hashtag helps to build a following, and provides a place for you to listen and interact.

Invite Responses Across Channels with a Sweepstake

One great way to invite fans to share their stories (and extend your reach) is to offer a contest or sweepstake. You can feature a selection of items by offering them as a prize, and the hope of winning encourages fans to share their stories, thoughts and reflections with their networks.

Some sweepstakes prompt ideas include:

  • Share your funniest memory of your mother
  • Which BOGOF item from our shop would you share with your mother, and why?
  • What important lesson has your mother taught you?

Mother's Day

Be Helpful

Why should your customers turn to YOU leading up to Mother’s Day? Because you have gifts! You can ease their stress and anxiety by creatively giving gift advice on social media. Penguin ran an awesome Twitter campaign in 2015 in which they offered advice under a unique hashtag. This strategy shows your dedication to providing personalized value for your customers, and prompts them to engage.

And this doesn’t have to be on Twitter; think of which platform works best for your brand and products. For example, a beauty company might do something similar: “Take a selfie with your mother and tag it on Instagram, and we’ll recommend a mother-daughter makeup kit for you both.”

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Use New Tech

Bots are all the rage these days, and you can introduce a concierge on Facebook Messenger’s chat bot platform to help your customers find the perfect gift. Again, this is about taking the personalized approach and being readily available on social media. This might seem like a bit of an investment in time and energy, but an automated concierge’s usefulness far outlives a single holiday event.

Make Your Mother’s Day Omnichannel Marketing Visual

Instagram’s “shop now” button makes the platform the perfect channel for inspiring customers. Remember how we told you to focus on how your products aim to make customers feel? Instagram is the place to do it, with photos that creatively evoke the joy your products can bring. You may also share heartfelt images applicable to the day, encouraging customers to share theirs, too, under a unique hashtag.

Of course, you can curate whole collections on Pinterest as well. With “rich pins,” you can include price and availability details on your posts.

Include a Gift Guide in Your Email Marketing Campaign

One of the biggest problems people face is choosing a gift. Flowers and chocolates are so cliché, and many have difficulty thinking outside the box. Offering a gift guide via email is a great way to provide value for your customers. Remember, don’t make your tone too salesy; the goal here is to reassure your customers that they can easily find what they need through you—and get it delivered on time.

Fostering connection is key. How can your business niche be of interest to mothers? Organize gifts into various profiles, and try to cover all bases. While most gifts on Mother’s Day are given by children to their mothers, many also give gifts to their sisters, friends or even daughters who have become mothers themselves.

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Give Deadlines

You may offer fast and free shipping to remain competitive. If this is your plan, don’t forget to provide reminders of shipping deadlines to your customers in your email marketing campaign. This not only alerts them to the free shipping offer, but also builds a sense of urgency as we near the holiday.

Using countdowns is a great way to branch this strategy out across your Mother’s Day multichannel marketing campaign. Remind customers across all platforms and your website on key dates.mothers day email

Get Personal via Email

If you want to strike a connection, what better way to do it than to share a personal message of your own? Reminisce and add emotion to your campaign by writing a thoughtful message about a mother in your business who’s important —perhaps the founder’s mother, or mothers on the team. This strikes a chord with your customers, and you can take this as an opportunity to show your willingness in helping them to say thanks, too. Also, people who admire you as human beings will also be much more willing to trust your brand.

So – get creative!

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