7 Strategies for Your Easter Multichannel Marketing Campaign

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! This age-old adage is great advice for marketing: because no single channel is king, you need to take a multichannel approach to generate as many leads as possible. If it seems daunting to plan and execute separate strategies depending on channel, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered, with tips for all aspects of designing an effective Easter campaign.

Daily Deal on Social [Social Media]

Give the gift that keeps on giving with daily deals! You can grow your follower count on social media and generate leads by offering a deal on a featured item each day.

If your shop has a lot of items on sale over this period, perhaps try to offer a different item on each social network–one for Instagram, one for Facebook, etc.—and encourage followers to check out your other channels for more opportunities to grab a goody! Offering a deal a day creates some feel-good spirit and prompts your fans to “hunt” for treats.


Tap into UGC to Strengthen the Easter Omnichannel Marketing Effort [Social Media & More]

Calling for user-generated content (UGC) helps to generate buzz on social media. How can you get your community involved with your brand? Consider hosting a seasonal contest—a recipe contest, photo sweepstake, etc.—highlighting the way customers intend to use your products related to the occasion.

Tap into your customers’ creativity throughout your Easter campaign to highlight various products and use cases. You might use this content in mailings, email blasts, social posts and more.

Add Urgency to Your Easter Multichannel Marketing Campaign [Email]

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Timed door-busting deals can drum up excitement and add a sense of urgency, either online or off. A simple way to get people buying ASAP is to stagger sales. For example, you might offer 30% off all sales three days before the Easter weekend, 20% two days before and 15% over the actual weekend itself.

Don’t forget to include fun designs to get people in the mood! Introduce your customers to sales with scratch-offs taking the form of eggs, for example, which they can “open” to find the deal inside. (Everyone loves a Kinder egg surprise right?)

Build Bundles—or Let Fans Do It Themselves [Email]


What’s an Easter campaign without Easter baskets? A fun way to show off your wares seasonally is to curate collections, bundles and gift baskets. Design “Easter basket bundles” that customers can buy for a loved one or themselves.

This is an excellent content idea for email blasts and print inserts alike. You might also feature smaller items as “basket stuffers,” perhaps with a “pick any three” or similar deal to get customers in the store.

Ramp up Your Easter Campaign with Tips & Advice [Print, Email]

Guides and how-to’s are a great way to add purpose to your print inserts and mailings. Think up ways customers can make use of your products for the holiday, then create guides to entice them to buy.

For example, a clothing store might provide fashion advice for Easter weekend, featuring photos of various looks. Segment your customers by demographic to assess (and deliver upon) their specific needs. Remember, you don’t want to be sending advice on handbags and scarves to all the men on your list – unless of course you’re encouraging them to buy presents!)

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While this strategy is great for print mailings, it works for online content, too. You can push instructional content to your business blog or social profiles with links to featured products.

Keep Search Up-to-Date [Search]

Make the most of your search strategy by updating your ads on social media and search engines.

First, brainstorm applicable keywords (for example, “Easter decor,” “Easter gifts” or “Easter outfit”). Then, edit your ads to include these keywords. Don’t forget to do this sooner rather than later, since it might take a few days for ads to be approved.

Organise Easter Omnichannel Marketing Egg Hunt [Social Media, Email & More]

Who doesn’t love an Easter egg hunt? Or if you’re not into Easter – a treasure hunt?!. You can use the traditional game to promote sales across all channels. Hide “eggs” in the form of promo codes in email blasts, social media posts, or even receipts from your brick and mortar store.

For example, you might hide a hot deal behind a link in an email blast, encouraging a click through. You might also announce that you’ll unleash a hidden deal on Instagram sometime today, encouraging fans to turn on their notifications in the process. Consider how you can hide and disseminate deals on ALL your available channels. Doing so might encourage followers of just one or two channels to begin following others.

This game adds some fun to the shopping experience. It also generates buzz on social, where fans can discuss their finds with one another.